Saturday, December 29, 2007


Colin, Larry and I went to the movies last night. Matt and Kim came by to watch the boys. We saw Sweeney Todd. It was Colin's choice and we all thought it was pretty good. Colin said it was a little gory but good. It was good to get out and spend some time with Colin.

1 comment:

Chiara said...

Hi Nellie, Larry, Colin, and twins!

What fun to see your blog. I will check it often!

We have a blog, too, where you can see pics of us and our adventures with Norah Claire. it is:

Your adventures will be TWICE as exciting as ours, I am sure. Or maybe 3 times. Once for the boys being BOYS and twice for there being 2 of them!

Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. And I am glad you all enjoyed the movie.

Love, Chiara

My YouTube Channel