Monday, August 18, 2008


As I entered my daily breakfast routine with the babies I looked at their vitamins. I am so pissed that I had let this slip. Anyway, why do we get fluoride? Do we really need it? And, should we (I) be giving it to my babies or any of us for that matter without knowing all of this. Ok, so I don't know if you can read the label. there is no allotted percentage for infants on fluoride, hence the * and the * means, U.S.Recommended Daily Allowance has NOT been established!!!!!!!!!! WTF Do we blindly, WILLINGLY inject poisons into our bodies because our government says so. I think i am as heated about this subject as I am about vaccines. Looks like I have some serious research to do before we continue to take fluoride infused vitamins.


♥Caroline♥ said...

Looks like you have been real busy!
What a wonderful trip you had.
I didn't know we had extra

Chiara said...


What kind of vitamins do you use? I am using the Target ones, and I don't see fluoride in my list of ingredients.

Anyway, about fluoride, it is a useful additive to water--it has greatly reduced the prevalence of tooth decay in the USA. For comparison, look at the teeth of British or European people and compare them to American teeth--you will notice a big difference in the appearance and health of the teeth (I mean adults of course).

I did some research on this topic a while back for my job, and yes, it can be harmful in higher doses. I am sure the dose in the vitamins is very low, but if you are worried about it, then switch to another brand of vitamins without it.

But, in the future, when the boys are a little older, I would recommend not avoiding fluoride altogether. Just ingesting it through city water alone will help their teeth--and the levels there are far below those considered harmful.

I am glad you noticed that about your vitamins--it made me go back and really read my ingredient list as well!


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