Sunday, May 31, 2009

Gene's birthday

Somehow we managed to convince Gene to come off "the island" and visit our home. After a backbreaking train ride he finally made it. Yeah! We celebrated his birthday, on the actual day and had a wonderful bar-be-que with great food and awesome family.
pre-party, we gave Gene a cell phone. Giving the gift was the easy part, now we must give a complete tutorial on how to use it.

me - suffering severely from allergies for the first time in my life, enjoying the pregnancy, not enjoying the allergies

william patiently waiting the arrival of cake into his mouth

I guess we did not take the camera out until the end of the day. The table was filled with ribs, steak, chicken, grilled veggies, the only thing missing was the salad

like father like son

reclaimnig the old toys

So apparently I let them play in their pajamas all day this particular day, or at least through lunch. We pulled out some old toys to loan to a friend and the boys were all over them, we had them taking turns which they are very good at. For lunch there was pizza and frozen peas (a house favorite)

popsicles and pj's

The twins are early risers and still are going strong with two naps a day. We are outside usually by 7am-ish. On this particular day i decided to give them some Popsicles while still in pj's. It was just some frozen juice so i saw no harm in that.

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