Thursday, January 17, 2008


a day in the life of ME!


Chiara said...

I can't imagine 2 at one time! Go Nellie!

Looks like the boys are enjoying the bounty that is the Jasinski figure!


Niffy said...

Does anyone in this family have any decorum besides me? I know it has been whispered for years that I was switched at birth but this just proves it ( if it weren't for the size of my ass...). Give those babies a bottle woman.

Syd said...

You need an over the shoulder bolder holder.

Your Dad.

Claire Jasinski said...

Nellie, thank you so much for keeping me abreast of your situation.
I think you've probably know the following story, but ,just in case you don't, and for your cousins who may read this:
One day your grandmother was extolling the virtues of breastfeeding (remember she did it in the late forties and fifties when nearly no one did): "It's always the right temperature, you don't have to sterilize anything, it immunizes the baby against many diseases."
"Yes", said your grandfather, and it comes in such cute containers!"

crowldawg said...

I don't have my glasses is that 4 heads I see?

crowldawg said...

this is what you need

Anonymous said...

Nellie, the twins and the twins.

My YouTube Channel