Thursday, May 22, 2008


Ding Ding Ding....
Thomas Owen: 19lbs
William Evan: 17.10 lbs

Both boys are growing and progressing at normal rates. They are hitting all their 6 month milestones and in and above 50% for their age. The Dr. and I had the vaccination talk again yesterday and it went surprisingly well. Much better than I had expected. At our last visit he asked that I do some research, well I did and I was standing strong on our decision to not vaccinate this young. I explained that I felt that 24 months was a good age to start at and even then make sure that are mercury free, spread out and individualized to each shot. He was on board with that decision and asked that I continue to research and keep open dialogue with him about it. I have no problem with either of those requests. I left feeling good about the conversation and the boys left feeling good about having their thighs remaim untouched by sharp needles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting to see what happened since I saw you the other day! And it sounds like a Win for Team Grossenbacher!!!!!

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