Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Off to the beach...

The gang is all here, thankfully. we all decided to take the day and relax in the sun. Marco decided it would be good to wear his mankini. Of course out of all of us, he does look the best (boohoo). That didn't stop our polish pride and cheap white skin for the day though. We had a great time, the boys loved it (even took a nap) and we were happy to see that the there was no chum from the beached whale last week, poor fella

napping babies

this pool was worth the $1.99 they loved splashing around in it

this is my dear friend tina and her daughter Kate.

and last but certainly not least, here is my kate. she is looking a lot redder at this moment in time

1 comment:

♥Caroline♥ said...

Looks like alot of fun and the babies could not look any cuter.

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