Monday, March 3, 2008


I have a few minutes to myself so here are some of my thoughts that have been on my mind. As we are here at the day we say goodbye to Uncle George I am saddened for our family. Other than my grandparents and sadly Bianca and Samuel, Uncle George is one of the first of the young generation to die. I often say to Larry and to people in my family how fortunate I am to have the family we have. I don't know many people who can say they are as close to their cousins, aunts, uncles... as most of us are to each other. Uncle George was a good father and a good uncle. We all have our faults and none of us are perfect, none of us. So, therefore we are all good people. My fondest memories of Uncle George are of him carving the turkeys for thanksgiving in the laundry room with his electric knife. I was always fascinated with that darn knife and the way he prided himself on his carving abilities. My worst memory of uncle George (from a kids perspective) is him yelling at Melanie, (which happened often), to get in the backyard and throw 100 pitches, and "DO IT NOW!" So if my worst memory is of a man yelling at his kid to strive to be better, who gives a crap. Maybe it was that yelling for constant perfection that made Melanie the obsessive, perfectionist she is today. Is it that bad having a clean house or a perfect haircut from anyone of us who she has done those things for?

We are often asked when we are going to buy a house or a bigger car, the answer is when we get around to it. So we may live in a two bedroom apartment on the ground floor of someones' house. We did have to split our dining room to make room for an office, and I do not have nearly enough storage space. But, the one thing we do have is each other. Colin and I have been through 10 years together and I go to bed every night kissing Larry and telling him how happy I am that we found each other and that we make such a great team. I pride myself on my family, not only my immediate family, but my extended family. At any time I can call my sister, mom, Melanie, Kim, Bird, or anyone for that matter and know that if needed they would come to my rescue. Whether I need a haircut, fashion sense (a lot of that) cup of tea, a car ride for Colin, or just someone to talk to, I can call anyone in my family and they will be there. It brings tears to my eyes every time because I am so grateful to have such a wonderful support system.

I know that William and Thomas are loved and cherished by everyone in my family. i heard rumors that some have favorites, but they are both so damn cute how could anyone not love them equally. I am so fortunate to be home with them. sometimes I think two is better than one. i know this sounds crazy, but here is my thinking. It is easy (sometimes) to settle one baby and then they are put down, swing, chair, anything. But, to have two if one is settled, chances are the other is not (unless they are napping). This means that I dedicate 95% of my day to taking care of them. To holding, cuddling, wiping, changing, feeding, loving, smiling, talking, reading, comforting, swaying, bouncing, walking, rocking, strolling, dressing, and the list goes on and on. They have my undivided attention all day long, so a bed may not get made or a bathroom cleaned, but a baby was loved and at the end of the day that is what is most important.

So, in closing, goodbye Uncle George, you will be missed and you were loved, not only by me, but by our family.


Chiara said...

Thank you Nellie, for your heartfelt and moving post about our family and Uncle George.

I am so glad to be a part of this family as well! I have been thinking a lot about Uncle George lately, and my memories include him sitting in his office (the walls covered with trophies) and looking at softball statistics, etc., to get ready for a game. I also remember him working in the backyard on various projects. I remember the smell of his cigars, and his gruff but loving countenance. I remember how much he loved and was proud of Gretchen and Melanie. I remember a photo of him and Aunt Meg soon after they met--they both looked so young and happy. And that is just from the brief visits I had as a child and a young adult.

It is a very important thing to have a supportive and loving family environment. We lift each other up and help each other out when needed. I am so glad to be a part of yours!

Goodbye to our Uncle George. He will be sorely missed at family gatherings, but never forgotten!

Love, Chiara

Unknown said...


I think you have said it all. You have such a handle on what is truly important in life, and one surely needs that while raising children or whenever interacting with family.

I remember all the fun times I had with Pixie and Mike when we were young. I have George to thank for bringing kids my age into the family, when I had been the odd young cousin for so long. I know, I am still odd, but what can you do?

We have an amazing extended family and I just wish sometimes we were all closer (in a geographical sense).

Thanks for blogging and melting away the miles with your great photos and commentary.

love, Auntie Janet

Claire Jasinski said...

Dear Nellie,
Janet had warned me to get my kleenex ready..... Martin said "If you're gonna cry, I'm not gonna listen"I did, and he did.
Thanks Nellie for describing what makes our family special. It is swell to keep in touch with your life through the blog.
When Janet told me about your words I was actually in bed (I've had an awful flu for a week) I lay there remembering a speciall Uncle George -Nellie moment. you were one year old. It may actually have been your birthday. We were eating outside at Grandma and Boppy's. You were sitting at the end of the big picnic table in a high chair. Suddenly everyone realized your were flirting with Uncle George. You were so darn cure . You would look and him and then coyly lower your gaze. It was hysterical, as if you'd just discovered this new man to conquer.
Nellie, I'm so glad that you're my niece. It's been tough for me to be here and not in NY or VA this week. Thanks for bringing me closer.
Aunt Claire

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